“Some Consequence Yet Hanging In The Stars”

Romeo believes that if he goes to the party, he will die. This is because he is worried about God’s choices for him. People in Shakespeare’s time strongly believed in these religious things about God deciding people’s fates so that is another reason why Romeo might be unsure of God’s decision for him of that night.

In the first line, Romeo says that his mind misgives information about the party that was to proceed. This is an example of Romeo losing faith.

In the second line, Romeo says “Some consequence yet hanging in the stars”. I think this means that the night that was to happen is planned by fate and Romeo cannot change what is to happen.






2 responses to ““Some Consequence Yet Hanging In The Stars””

  1. Christopher Waugh Avatar


    The alteration you made to this explanation is perfect and shows that you are developing a much clearer understanding of people’s views of the world in Shakespeare’s time.

    Thanks for making the effort to go back and correct what you wrote.

    The metaphor of “hanging in the stars” could be much better unpacked. You can do this by explaining what the stars are referring to (heaven) and what ‘hanging in the stars’ therefore means.

    1. TheS2KY Avatar

      Thank you Sir. I will definitely take a look at that.
